In “Jinx Manga – Chapter 33 “, Several months earlier, Mr. Choi and Mr. Joo met in the bar where Mr. Choi asked him: “What brings you here? You don’t even drink! Did your latest partner run off again?” Mr. Joo got angry with him. Mr. Choi told him that he only needs a perfect soulmate. He also clarified to him: “And you know how it is. Once I’ve got my eye on something, I have to make it mine, even if it happens to belong to someone else”.
Mr. Choi’s manager asked him about his back pain. Mr Choi replied: “My back? Oh, not too bad, it’ll be fine. It’s barely a sprain. I just wanted a session of my own with Doc Dan, so I played it up a little bit”. Mr. Joo listened to this conversation secretly.
On their way towards Mr. Choi’s home, Mr. Joo teased Doc Dan with the toy and put him in a state of misery. Dan is unable to eject it and is bearing with acute pain. He requested Mr. Joo a lot of times but was not accepted. In the end, Mr. Joo began his rough ride in the car to fulfill his Jinx.
Finally, Doc Dan reached Mr. Choi’s residence and said: “Apologies, Mr. Choi for being so late. Let’s go ahead and get started right away”…