2 result 12 scaled
3 result 10 scaled
4 result 10 scaled
5 result 11 scaled
6 result 10 scaled
7 result 12
8 result 11
9 result 11
10 result 12
11 result 11
12 result 11
13 3 result scaled
14 2 result scaled
15 2 result scaled
16 1 result scaled
17 result 11 scaled
18 result 11 scaled
19 result 10
20 result 11
21 result 10
22 result 10
23 result 11
24 result 10
25 result 12
26 result 13
27 result 13
28 result 12
29 result 11
30 result 11
31 result 11 scaled
32 result 11 scaled
33 result 12 scaled
34 result 12 scaled
35 result 12 scaled
36 result 12 scaled
37 1 result
38 result 12
39 result 11
40 result 11
41 result 11
42 result 11
43 result 10
44 result 11
45 result 10
46 result 10
47 result 10
48 result 10


In “Jinx Manga – Chapter 11 “, On his way back home, Dan is thinking again that $14000 salary would be enough for him to pay his interests and grandma’s hospital bills but asking to himself “How many years will I need to stay with him?”. Meanwhile, he receives a call from the Redevelopment Association informing him about his house next week.

Suddenly money lenders come and asked Dan: “From where did you get the money to pay back that much all at once?” he replied, he is doing job and made sure that he will pay next month’s installment on time as well.

Dan reaches the gym and has been informed that there is another match ahead. During his physio session with Joo, he requests an advance salary for moving towards another residence due to demolishing his current place. Joo is amazed and asks him: “Am I your own personal ATM?” Dan bowed to him and requested again. Joo said: “Great, there’s something I’ve been wanting to try”.

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