2 result 11 scaled
3 result 9 scaled
4 result 9 scaled
5 result 10 scaled
6 result 9 scaled
7 result 11
8 2 result
9 2 result
10 result 11
11 1 result
12 result 10
13 2 result scaled
14 1 result scaled
15 1 result scaled
16 result 10 scaled
17 result 9 scaled
18 result 10 scaled
19 result 9 scaled
20 result 10 scaled
21 result 9 scaled
22 result 9 scaled
23 result 10 scaled
24 result 9 scaled
25 result 11
26 result 12
27 result 12
28 result 11
29 result 10
30 result 10
31 3 result scaled
32 3 result scaled
33 1 result scaled
34 result 11 scaled
35 result 11 scaled
36 result 11 scaled
37 result 11 scaled
38 1 result scaled
39 result 10 scaled
40 2 result scaled
41 2 result scaled
42 result 10 scaled
43 result 9
44 result 10
45 result 9
46 result 9
47 result 9
48 result 9


In “Jinx Manga – Chapter 10 “, Upon reaching Dan’s residence, Joo observed the situation of this place where Dan lives. Joo asks Dan: “You wanted 14K a month for this?” Dan is calling his grandma.

When Dan comes into his state of consciousness, he finds himself in the Joo’s house. He is asking himself how did he come here? Joo came and confirmed that he brought him to his place and made him realize the appropriateness of his residence. Dan is trying to leave.

In fact, Joo brought Dan to his place upon his request about which Dan had no idea as he was in a state of unconsciousness and was calling his grandma repeatedly…

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